The STREAM Festival is a young, community-driven, international science festival for children. It aims to promote both S.T.E.M. disciplines as well as Arts, Reading and more generally literacy and creativity skills. In this way it is helping children to read and discover the mysteries of science and technology as well as express themselves creatively and confidently. Therefore, the spring edition takes place within the generous space of the Eindhoven Library, promoting the international children book collection and more broadly the role of the library as a place of knowledge and community. With the generous Eindhoven Library as our host, this spring edition celebrates the themes of love and spring, blending creativity, culture with science and technology, into an event for all ages. The artistic and cultural dimension is cultivated by a generous group of artists through their inspiring creations and workshops. The event is open to all, Dutch and internationals, promoting mutual discovery and conviviality. Check out all activities on the event page! Looking forward to seeing you there!

We are preparing the Summer 2025 edition!


Are you a researcher, expert, engineer or student passionate about science or STREAM fields?

Would you like to do a children's workshop at the next edition?

Send us a short application with your proposal.

As a model you can use the workshop descriptions below from previous editions.


Pregătim ediția din 2025

Ești un cercetător, expert, inginer sau student pasionat de știință și domeniile STREAM?

Ai vrea să faci un atelier pentru copii la ediția următoare? 

Trimite-ne pe email o scurtă aplicație cu propunerea ta. 

Ca model poți folosi descrierile atelierelor de la edițiile precedente.



Children Science Festival

23 June 2024, 12:00 - 20:00

Location: Scouting Sint Aloysius, Blaarthemseweg 90, Veldhoven


Since 2018, the Romanian School in Eindhoven offers the course STREAM - "Romanian scientists and their disciplines". Combining historical presentations and funny quizzes, children learn in each session the story of Romanian researchers, scientists or engineers and interesting facts about their field of activity.


At the same time, the course includes a practical part based on the STEAM model (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) in which children do experiments or practical activities. The name STREAM indicates that the activities also include reading out loud as an essential skill for children to communicate their ideas clearly and confidently. The course is initiated and coordinated by Dr. Vlad Niculescu-Dincă (Leiden University) and co-offered by a team of experts in each STEAM field. Since 2022 the course also offers the sessions in English or Dutch during public events.

Școala Românească din Eindhoven oferă din 2018 cursul STREAM - "Oameni de știință români și disciplinele lor". Combinând prezentări și quiz-uri amuzante, copiii afla în fiecare sesiune povestea unor cercetători, oameni de știință sau ingineri români și lucruri interesante despre domeniul lor de activitate.


Totodată, cursul include o parte practică pe modelul STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) în care copiii fac experimente sau activități practice. Numele STREAM indică faptul ca activitățile cultivă și cititul cu voce tare în limba română. Din 2022 cursul oferă sesiunile și în limba engleză și olandeză în cadrul evenimentelor publice. Cursul este inițiat și coordonat de dr. Vlad Niculescu-Dincă (Universitatea Leiden) și co-susținut de o echipă de experți pe fiecare domeniu STEAM.

Atelier de programare

Sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2022, ne-am bucurat să organizăm atelierul de programare ScratchJr Family Hour. Mulțumiri speciale Claudia Mărginean și felicitări copiilor și părinților! Au mai rămas cam 9999 de ore* de programare în drumul spre expertiza 😉