The STREAM Festival is a young, community-driven, international science festival for children. It aims to promote both S.T.E.M. disciplines as well as Arts, Reading and more generally literacy and creativity skills. In this way it is helping children to read and discover the mysteries of science and technology as well as express themselves creatively and confidently. Therefore, the spring edition takes place within the generous space of the Eindhoven Library, promoting the international children book collection and more broadly the role of the library as a place of knowledge and community. The science activities are offered by various Dutch organizations and experts from a diversity of international language groups from Eindhoven, while the artistic and cultural dimension is cultivated by a group of artisans through their traditionally inspired artefacts and creative workshops. The event is open to all, Dutch and internationals, promoting mutual discovery and conviviality.


Check out all activities on the event page


Școala Românească din Eindhoven a câștigat premiul întâi la festivalul Boovie 2020, secțiunea ExtRoBoovie pentru școlile din diaspora. Felicitări tuturor!

Începuturile. Crăciun 2008